Welcome to a new year!
Welcome to a new decade!
Welcome to ADHD thoughts on resolutions.
When I was young, I loved watching my dad open the family safe to review goals he had made at the beginning of the year. He took great pleasure at the progress he had made during the year, and although he was also reminded of goals with which he had not followed through, he seemed to always feel satisfied with the overall effort.
I am nothing like my dad when it comes to making goals. I have always hated writing down personal goals—especially when the intent felt external rather than internal. I recall the years when day planners became the rage of nearly everyone I knew. Wishing to join the productivity craze, I faithfully recorded the tasks I felt I had to accomplish during the day and gave each an appropriate priority. At the end of the day—and just as faithfully—I carefully erased everything I had not accomplished and replaced them with tasks I had actually done. It felt humiliating to leave paper evidence of my many failures.
Be Your ADHD Self
Over the last few years I’ve learned a few things about goals. Goals only work if they represent a personal yearning for change, a true desire to improve or a real hunger to test out new directions or opportunities.
It may be obvious (it seems that way now as I write this), but if you choose to make New Year’s resolutions, please make certain YOU are true to YOURSELF when doing so. Goals need to represent YOUR LIFE and YOUR ASPIRATIONS, not someone else’s.
Studies suggest 71% of those who make resolutions at the first of each year include diet in their plans, 65% say they need more exercise in life and 54% are compelled to lose weight.
All worthy goals, but I wonder how many individuals are following their own real desire by doing so. I fear results similar to my efforts with a day planner if those goals are not internally driven. Don’t try to be somebody you are not, be true to YOURSELF!
As I have said before, you are magical!
ADHD Knowledge
As I’ve mentioned in the past, learning of my ADHD has been a real eye-opener—and as my tagline suggests an empowering experience. So rather than looking for ways to make my brain (and actions) conform to the ‘norm,’ my desires for the new year include more ADHD knowledge.
The result—greater empowerment in my life!
As you consider your desires for the coming year, perhaps you might include some of the following thoughts about your own ADHD:
Learn to better understand Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in your life
Begin to see ADHD as a gift
Identify new personal characteristics and strengths, and use them throughout the year
Take steps towards ridding yourself of crippling shame
Create time for praying, meditation or ‘getting out of your ADHD head’
Make sure that one of your goals is to laugh, take deep breaths and enjoy just the way you are–creative, resourceful and whole
Realistic ADHD Goals
My aspirations for the coming year are not locked in the safe to be reviewed at year’s end, but I know where I’m headed and what I’d like to accomplish. I’m making progress in my own way and I’m good with that.
If you are wanting to set traditional personal goals pertaining to exercise, lose weight or the like, be realistic in your objectives by starting slowly and accepting small changes along the way. Resist the ADHD brain’s all-or-nothing mentality. If you miss an objective, just pick up and start again. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish if you are willing to cut yourself a little slack.
And as your successes take place be sure to let me know. In my role as an ADHD Coach I welcome opportunities to cheer you on!
As you learn more about yourself in the year 2020, take hope in your ADHD life. Embrace it and take ownership of your amazing potential.
The feeling is liberating!